Events & Seminars

GOOD DESIGN SYMPOSIUM International Speakers From Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Msia

FUNCTION HALL 1 & 2 GURNEY RESORT HOTEL & RESIDENCES 18 Persiaran Gurney, George Town, Penang,
Mr. Edward Suzuki
Speaker Panellist:
Dato' Seri Lim Chong Keat
Datuk Hajeedar Abdul Majid
Prof Tay Kheng Soon
Dr Sumet Jumsai

Fees Early Bird 
Before 06 July
GST Inclusive
after 06 July
GST Inclusive
PAM Members FOC 53.00
Non-Member 53.00 106.00
Student 31.80 53.00

CPD Points is being applied
Closing date : 11th July 2016

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Science is the pursuit of the workings of Nature. As such, I am very fond of science as
much as I am of my profession, architecture. Of late, I have come to call Nature, or
Universe, “GOoD DESIGN.”
Buckminster Fuller, said to be Leonard da Vinci of the 20th century and who coined the
phrase “Spaceship Earth” once said, “If poetry is saying the most with the least (amount
of words), then Einstein must have been the greatest poet in history. Why? Because he
summed up the entire Universe in E=Mc2 ”
Just as E=Mc2, GOoD DESIGN is pure poetry. GOoD DESIGN is good design, because it
is simple and beautiful. GOoD DESIGN is ecological and economical. It knows no waste.
Waste is created only by humans. The most important point about GOoD DESIGN is
that it is a system of “relationships.” The basic stuff of Universe, the atom, is 99.999%
empty space. At the heart of matter, there is no matter, but only relationships.
Our beautiful Spaceship Earth, too, is a system of relationships. James Lovelock’s “Gaia
Theory” treats Earth as one biological system, with animate as well as inanimate parts
self-regulating and self-balancing each other.
Needless to say, there is something wrong with our Spaceship Earth at this time, as
could be witnessed by global warming and subsequent storms and floods. Not only are
we witnessing such unbalance in physical Earth but also in our social systems. The
following are excerpts from the internet-born book “If the World were a Village of 100.”
Out of the 100, “20 are malnourished and 1 is dying, but 15 are overweight. Of all the
wealth in the world, 6 own 59% and all are Americans. 74 own 39%, and 20 share 2%. Of
all the energy in the world, 20 use up 80%, and 80 share 20%. Only 1 in the Village has
higher education, and 2 own computers. But 14 cannot even read.”
Why such unbalance and injustice?
Thomas Malthus, an economist hired by East India Company more than 2 centuries ago,
conducted a research and concluded with the following, “Human population is
increasing faster than human production of food, such that 100% of humanity cannot
Then a biologist by the name of Charles Darwin said, “If what Malthus says is true,
then by the principle of the ‘Survival of the Fittest,’ only the strong will survive.”
Then came Karl Marx who said, “If what Malthus and Darwin say are true, then the
workers, as they are the ones directly related to the production of food, should be the
ones to survive.”
Hitler and others followed to the relatively recent ethnic cleansing in East Europe. The
most recent incident that directly touched our lives is the Lehman Brothers’ “Lehman
Shock.” Needless to say, the Lehman incident was not a typical war like the other wars
we are accustomed to. However, I do not think that it is an exaggeration to say that it
was a war in disguise in peace time. And why has it happened? Because Malthus said
that there is not enough for all to survive, and by the principle of the “Survival of the
Fittest” it is only natural and not only perfectly alright but even beautiful and
commendable to survive at the expense of others. Like it or not, this is the kind of
mentality that is still prevalent today.
However, in 1957, the UN Food and Agricultural Organization published a scientific
report in which it was stated: “For the first time in recent human history, by means of
technological development, man is now able to produce more food than what the whole
human population could consume.”
Now, how many world leaders are aware of this reality? Even if some are knowledgeable,
how many are living this truth, instead of hiding it for their selfish reasons to stay in
power, to feed their greed?
Animals still live by the principle of the “Survival of the Fittest,” but they do so from a
biological need. It is a part of GOoD DESIGN. They do not kill needlessly, wastefully, or
malignantly. Even for humans, not all competition is destructive and negative.
Constructive competition is positive and should be encouraged. But competition and
wars and killings for religious beliefs, ideologies, power, greed, taste, or just for fun are
all destructive and negative. Such is not a part of GOoD DESIGN.
New light is being shed today on Darwin, and it is that he was only half right. Scientists
are beginning to realize that while competition was and is still vital, what enabled
species to evolve and survive to this day was more “cooperation” than “competition.”
Here is a simple example of cooperation. Each kilogram of our bodies is said to contain
approximately 1 trillion cells. Therefore, a person weighing 70 kilograms is made up of
about 70 trillion cells. The 70 trillion cells basically “cooperate” with each other to
sustain life. Now imagine the cells not cooperating with but instead fighting against
each other. Needless to say, the body would not function, and life would cease.
Our present world population is approximately 7 billion. That is only 1/10000 of our
body cells. If our body cells (which have no brains) can cooperate with each other and
sustain life, then we (with brains) and ten thousand times less in number, should be
able to more easily sustain life on this planet in a cooperative way.
Another light being shed recently is the following. Ever since Drs. Watson and Crick
discovered the Double Helix of DNA, it was assumed that not only our physical bodies
but also our personal traits and characteristics were determined by DNA. In other
words, DNA governed our lives. With DNA’s discovery, the historical “Nature or Nurture”
debate on what determines human quality, whether it is Nature (i.e., DNA, Instinct) or
Nurture (i.e., Environment, Education), was finally put to rest. Or so it seemed.
Recently, a biologist by the name of Bruce Lipton, through his research and experiments,
has announced otherwise. He has concluded that while DNA is no doubt important,
what is more important to determine human quality is the Environment. The
Environment is so vital it even has the power to alter one’s DNA. Not only the physical
environment but also and more critically the psychological environment, such as how
we think, sense, and feel can and does alter our DNA. The age-long saying, “It’s all in
your mind” has now been proven scientifically. Furthermore, it is said that the most
important environment, especially for children, is that of family “Love” in the home.
As a student in college, I once read a book by the anthropologist Konrad Lorenz titled
“On Aggression.” In it, Lorenz talks about how almost all species have an instinct for
aggression to help them survive. However, if practiced within the same species, it would
be suicidal and therefore not allowed. Then what happens to the aggression instinct
within the same species? Lorenz says that it simply turns into “Love.” At the time, I
thought his thesis was too anthropomorphic and too good to be true and I just could not
swallow it. However, after some 40 years since then, I have come to understand,
appreciate, and accept that Lorenz was right. I now sincerely believe that Love, without
being anthropomorphic, romantic, or sentimental, is simply a biological need that we
just cannot do without.
At present, scientists around the world are searching for the Holy Grail of Science. They
are working day and night to somehow unify the four forces of Nature, namely Gravity,
Electromagnetism, the Strong Force and the Weak Force in the atom. If such a feat were
possible, the result would automatically win a Nobel Prize. I am certain that I would not
win the Nobel Prize but instead be laughed at by today’s scientists by claiming that I
have found the answer to this mystery. For my answer is “Love.”
Please let me explain my reasoning for my answer.
Frontier science claims that before material or physical Universe, Consciousness
reigned. Just as the basic building block of our physical Universe, the atom, is 99.999%
empty space and is nothing but a system of “relationships,” so was our Universe, a void,
an emptiness. In the beginning, before the Big Bang, there was nothing: no-thing. And
out of this nothing, void, vacuum, our Universe was born through some sort of
Consciousnes, Intent, Will.
If such were true, then I ask myself, was this Consciousnes, Intent, Will benevolent, or
malevolent? My answer is benevolent. Why? Because to me everything in this Universe
suggests to be so.
Please allow me to relate a personal story. Many, many years ago, I was in a serious car
accident and damaged my neck and shoulders very badly. I visited both large, general
hospital as well as small clinic doctors, sports masseurs, chyropractitioners,
acupuncturists, even so-called new-age healers, but no one was able to help me. One
doctor even told me that I would never heal. Desperate, I visited one last doctor,
relatively young and practicing oriental medicine. The first time I met him, he told me,
“Edward, there are 2 Forces working in this Universe: Life Force and Healing Force.
Needless to say, Life is a miracle; and there is another Force working to keep this Life
Force intact, and it is the Healing Force, another miracle. Therefore, you need not worry.
Believe me, you will be healed.” I believed him, and I was healed.
Ayurveda, the Indian “Science of Life,” practically teaches the same. We are designed
and programmed (by our DNA, our Memory) to stay healthy. Incredible as it is, we live
our daily lives without any pain, and we realize the wealth of health only when we
become ill. And it is only when we lose this Memory that we become ill. Therefore, in
order to gain back health, all one needs to do is to restore this Memory.
Two scientists by the name of Lorentzen and Waynestock respectively have come up
with a similar theory. They theorize that our body cells communicate by means of water,
and when this communication breaks down, we become ill. How to regain health?
Simply restore cell communication. To help this process, they have developed what they
call “Micro-clustered Water,” which when consumed by our body functions, help restore
cell communication to restore health.
Scientists are able to “catch” and show on computer screens various “waves” or
“vibrations” travelling through space. Basically there are “good waves,” called coherent,
and “bad waves,” called incoherent. Good, coherent waves appear as prettily patterned
sine waves, while bad, incoherent waves show no discernible pattern and are not pretty.
Dr. Emoto of Japan treats similar phenomena as these coherent and incoherent waves
and has become world-famous for publishing photographs of water crystals. What he
does is to paste labels with certain words written on them onto test tubes filled with
water, facing the words to the water. For words such as “Love,” “Thank you,” “Beautiful,”
and the like, the water forms beautiful crystals. For words such as “Hate,” “Fool,” and
“Ugly,” water forms no crystals and the results are not beautiful.
What do you think is the best medicine against cancer, said to be man’s worst enemy? It
is to laugh a lot, enjoy life, and live positively. About six years ago, I was diagnosed with
prostate cancer. All the doctors I consulted said the same, to have surgery, take chemo
and/or radiation therapy immediately. I refused, and instead frequented a certain
enzyme bath introduced by a friend of mine whose wife cured herself of breast cancer
through this procedure. All cancer and other deadly diseased patients who have
overcome their illnesses say in unison, “Just think of happy things, enjoy life, and live
positively.” I followed their advice and am now living healthily, my cancer under control,
if not gone completely. Positive thinking brings positive results. As mentioned earlier,
our mental environment (mind) has the power to change our body (DNA) , our physical
Evidently, our Universe is heading toward the good, the right, the beautiful. Our
Universe, GOoD DESIGN, is positive, and ultimately Good will prevail over Evil.
As such, I am convinced that, after all, it is Love that initially ignited and ultimately
will unify the four Forces of Nature, namely Gravity, Electromagnetism, the Strong and
the Weak Forces in the atom. Why? Because I do not know any Force stronger than
Love is the Source and the Generator of GOoD DESIGN. Our Universe, GOoD DESIGN,
is nothing but an evolution of Love. GOoD DESIGN=LOVE惻EVOLUTION
Science has taught me that Love is not only a biological necessity, but a spiritual as well
as a physical necessity. As such, we should follow Nature, Universe, GOoD DESIGN,
and live positively and be happy.
Most, if not all, religions basically teach the same, that is “Love your neighbor as you
love yourself.” But instead, what do we find in the world today, especially after 9.11?
Hatred and revenge begetting more hatred and revenge. I believe current world leaders
have much to learn from Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.
Can you imagine? And when he was finally freed and elected President of South Africa,
what did he do? He did not choose revenge. Instead, he chose to forgive. He had whites
and blacks alike confess and repent their respective wrong-doings and decided to let
bygones be bygones: to reset, and to start anew. In his own words, “Reconciliation starts
here. Forgiveness starts here too. Forgiveness liberates the soul. It removes fear. That is
why it is such a powerful weapon.”
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish was the first Palestinian medical doctor to be working at a
general hospital in Isarael. Nonetheless, at one time, his three daughters were all
killed in an Israeli air raid. Needless to say, all his relatives and friends called out for
revenge. Instead, what did he do? He wrote a book called “I Shall Not Hate” and is
travelling worldwide preaching peace. Why? Because he believes love and peace rather
than hatred and war are what his three daughters in heaven wish for.
I cannot but feel that Mandela and this Palestinian doctor must have had a certain
“spiritual awakening,” a “consciousness revolution,” that made them realize that we are
not only family but basically one and the same, only in different disguises. In other
words, I am you, and you are I…just as islands in the sea appear separate on the
surface but are connected in the deep.
“Life,” I believe, “is awakening to remember where we originally come from.” And yes,
you guessed right, we come from God and we are of God. Such is GOoD DESIGN.
Great leaps in evolution have always occurred at times of crises. Spaceship Earth is at
such a fork of bifurcation. We either breakthrough or we breakdown. In order to
breakthrough, what we need first and foremost is not a social (remember what has
become of “Arab Spring”) but a personal awakening, a personal revolution, in each and
every one of us. Without “peace” at home, there can be no world peace.
However, we humans are weak creatures. At times we are tempted to become angry and
create enemies. While commuting, someone might bump into you at a crowded train
platform. But before rushing to speedy judgement, you should ask yourself, “Was it
really the other’s fault, or mine?” Even though it might have been the other’s fault,
maybe the other person had a reason, say, someone from his/her family was dying. At
such times, what we need to do is try to see ourselves in others. If you can see yourself
in others, then it should change the way you look at them. Such “spiritual awakening”
or “consciousness revolution” is our only hope for our tomorrow.
As already mentioned, Nurture has won over Nature. However, not all Nurture, or
Environment, is positive and benign. Some children are born into a terrible
environment, and sometimes there is absolutely nothing that they can do about it. But
there is one salvation. And it is Future. Humans are the only beings in this world
endowed with the power of the Mind to think and to be able to see the future. We are the
only creatures capable of hope and to dream of tomorrow. Without hope and dream of
tomorrow, there is no future. No matter what Nature, no matter what Nurture, Future
is there to save your day today and tomorrow. And when thinking of Future, I cannot
help but think of Education.
I have been fortunate lately to help contribute in starting up a new boarding school in
the outskirts of Tokyo called the International School of Asia, Karuizawa, ISAK for
short. I graduated from St. Mary’s International School in Tokyo. Unfortunately there is
none today, but in my days there used to be a boarding department and I was a part of it.
One understanding that is shared by those graduates who experienced such a boarding
life is that “living together in such an environment and sharing our childhood days, one
grows up to naturally dismiss wars and conflict as meaningless.” For this reason, the
“boarding” part of ISAK is truly a meaningful help and wealth for future world peace. I
firmly believe that such an environment under love and compassion would foster good
human relations in harmony.

Presenter’s biography:


Recipient of Chicago Athenaeum Green
Good Design Award 2011, 2016

PROFILE  |  Edward Suzuki worked alongside master architect and futurist Buckminster Fuller while attending Harvard on a Fulbright scholarship. Perhaps that’s one reason he’s a self-proclaimed student of life, regularly contemplating the structure of the atom, the environment, philosophy and the metaphysical.
His work has brought him well over a dozen major awards here in Japan and the United States. He won the prestigious “Chicago Athenaeum GREEN GOOD DESIGN Award”in year 2011 from the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design for a house he designed in Shimogamo, Kyoto.
He wins the prestigious award again this year in 2016, for his completed “International School of Asia, Karuizawa (ISAK)”.
Edward Suzuki Associates have been applying, for some time, the concepts, ideas, and know-how of Japanese daily living developed and tested over time in traditional Japanese architecture, primarily in the realm of housing.
“Interface: Learning from Engawa (and Other Traditional Japanese Design Styles)” is basically ESA’s DESIGN POLICY and gives 12 good examples of such traditional Japanese wisdom, amongst many more, from which we try to borrow to achieve a  sustainable and healthy, comfortable, happy home.

Speaker Panellist:
 Dato' Seri Lim Chong Keat

 Datuk Hajeedar Abdul Majid

 Prof Tay Kheng Soon

 Dr Sumet Jumsai